Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Policy

Callington Amateur Drama Society is dedicated to protecting your personal data and we take great care to ensure that your privacy is never compromised when you use our website.  We have a privacy and data retention policy, but to avoid pages of legal speak, here is a simplified version, explaining what data we collect and what we do with it.

We do not use visitor tracking software such as Google Analytics or other services designed to monitor your visit. 

Cookies are used to improve the experience on the website; for example, you should not see Facebook pop-ups after your first visit.  Our website is hosted by Heart Internet who may collect visitor data.  Their servers may be based outside the EEA.  We have not given Heart Internet permission to share website visitor data with any third parties.

If you contact us we will ask for your name and email address.  This is purely to enable us to respond to your query.  This information will not be used to add you to our mailing list and it will not be shared with third parties.  We retain emails for twelve months, after which they are deleted.  Emails are retained so that we can respond more effectively to future or follow on queries.

If you choose to purchase show tickets through the website, your information will be processed by for the purposes of providing the ticketing service to you.  Your data will be stored and processed by Ticketsource who are operating under their own GDPR compliant privacy policy.  They will ask for your name, address, email address, phone number and credit/debit card information.  We do not at any time have access to your payment information, but can access your personal information for the purposes of managing attendance at shows.  We do not share your data with any other organisations, although Ticketsource may request consent to notify you of local events not organised by Callington Amateur Drama Society.  If you consent to this, they will process your data for the purpose of marketing.

We do have a Facebook page and invite you to ‘like’ us on Facebook.  We do not actively process Facebook likes or store your Public Profile Information.  By liking us on Facebook, you may receive notifications of posts that we share.

Should you have any concerns, or wish to receive a copy of the data we hold about you, please email:  We do not impose an administration fee for this and will endeavour to respond within 28 days.